Hi, I’m Victoria.

I love to make music…

I find it intriguing how music can befriend us so individually.

As if we are each wired to respond to particular rhythms and tones.

When a song or piece of music matches that aural fingerprint, it can feel like coming home.

That is what I search for when I write.

There’s a part of me that loves quietly making music in solitude.

Turning words into poetry, telling stories with my voice, evoking atmospheres with the piano and the world of sounds within my computer.


I also love bringing people together to make music through group singing…

Singing in harmony is one of the most joyful, cathartic and connecting experiences life offers.

I am currently director of Green Tree Chorus, a choir I founded in 2017.


Having children set my creative life on course

After years of holding my creativity back, the experience of giving birth and becoming a mother released me to more fully inhabit my artistic life.

I explored these themes in my first album Birth.

I’m now working on my second album, with the occasional collaboration with my daughters.


“Try, like some first human being, to say what you see and experience and love and lose…describe your sorrows and desires, passing thoughts and the belief in some sort of beauty - describe all these with loving, quiet, humble sincerity, and use the things in your environment, the images from your dreams and the objects of your memory.”
